As a seasoned veterinarian, seeing countless cats come through my doors with various ailments, one concern that I’ve noticed among cat owners is, “Why is my cat sneezing so often?”.
While sneezing in cats can be common and often harmless, frequent cat sneezing can be a sign of underlying health problems that shouldn’t be ignored. Having cared for numerous cats throughout the years, I’ve seen how critical a speedy diagnosis and timely treatment can be for a cat’s overall well-being.
In this article, let’s explore the various causes behind a cat’s sneezing, ranging from the everyday to the more concerning. So, if your feline companion sneezes occasionally or more frequently, keep reading to uncover what might be making your cat sneeze.
Key Takeaways:
Various causes of cat sneezing will be discussed, from allergies to infections and more.
Learn what actions to take if your cat is sneezing more than usual and when to consult a veterinarian.
Discover a range of treatment options for sneezing cats to ensure their well-being.
Why Is My Cat Sneezing?
The most common causes of cat sneezing include:
- Allergies
Just like us, cats can develop allergies to environmental factors like pollen, dust mites, or chemicals, leading to sneezing.
- Viral respiratory infections
Common infections such as feline herpesvirus and calicivirus affect cats’ respiratory systems, resulting in sneezing, nasal discharge, and other symptoms.
- Foreign bodies
Cats might inhale small objects or substances that irritate their noses and cause sneezing.
- Rhinitis
Inflammation of the nasal passages can lead to sneezing, coughing, and nasal discharge.
- Dental disease
Infections in their teeth and gums can cause sneezing in cats.
- Fungal infections
A less common cause, but still worth considering, some cats can develop fungal infections in their nasal passages.
- Nasal tumors
In rare cases, nasal tumors may be the underlying cause of your cat’s sneezing.
Let’s look at these causes in more detail:
1. Allergies
Just like us, our feline friends can also suffer from allergies. When exposed to allergens, a cat’s immune system may react abnormally, causing them to sneeze. This is a natural response to eliminate foreign substances from their nasal passages.
Cats can be allergic to various substances, such as pollen, dust mites, mold spores, smoke, and even certain types of food. When a cat inhales these airborne particles, it can irritate their nose, leading to an occasional sneeze or persistent sneezing, depending on how many and how long a cat is exposed to an allergen.
Is your furry friend showing signs of allergies? Keep an eye out for sneezing, watery eyes, nasal discharge, face swelling, or redness around their eyes and nose.
If your cat is otherwise healthy, these symptoms could indicate an allergy. It’s important to address the issue promptly since prolonged exposure can worsen their condition over time, making treatment more challenging.
In my experience, reducing allergens in your home is the best way to alleviate your cat’s symptoms. Try to keep your house clear of common irritants, including:
- Cigarette smoke: Secondhand smoke can be harmful to your cat’s respiratory system.
- Cat litter: Choosing a low-dust or dust-free litter can help reduce your cat’s exposure to potential irritants.
- Cleaning products and perfumes: Opt for fragrance-free or pet-friendly cleaning solutions and minimize the use of candles and air fresheners.
- Use Humidifiers: Maintaining optimal humidity levels can help reduce airborne allergens like mold and dust mites.
If your cat’s sneezing persists or worsens due to an allergy, I recommend scheduling a visit to the vet to discuss potential treatments and allergen management strategies.
2. Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (Cat Colds)
Feline upper respiratory infection, or a “cat cold,” is a common feline health problem I see in my day-to-day practice as a vet.
These infections are typically caused by two viruses: feline calicivirus and feline herpes virus, but bacterial infection can also play a part. These viruses lead to inflammation in the nasal passages, resulting in persistent sneezing and other flu-like symptoms such as runny eyes, snotty noses, loss of appetite, fever, and lethargy.
If your cat is sneezing for more than a day or two and displaying these symptoms, it’s important to visit a vet. The severity of the symptoms depends on your cat’s overall health and their immune system strength – kittens and older cats are often hit hardest due to weaker immune systems. As a side note, while cat flu is highly contagious among cats, the good news is it’s not transferable to humans.
Make sure to quarantine sick cats until they’re better. Boost your cat’s defense against cat flu by getting them vaccinated against calicivirus and herpesvirus. Keep up with regular vaccinations to prevent viral infections. Your furry friend’s health is in your hands!
Unfortunately, it’s often the case that once a cat gets cat flu, they have it for life. Early intervention and prevention are therefore crucial for battling feline upper respiratory infections.
3. Foreign Body
Cats are curious creatures, and their sniffing habits sometimes lead to foreign objects becoming lodged in their nasal passages. Airborne particles like dust or pollen, pieces of toys, blades of grass, or tiny insects are common culprits that can irritate your cat’s nose and trigger persistent sneezing.
If you notice your cat experiencing frequent, violent sneezes with nasal discharge or blood from one nostril only, it’s possible a foreign object is causing discomfort. Prolonged irritation can also increase the risk of developing secondary bacterial infections and upper respiratory infections.
If your cat is sneezing, schedule a vet visit. The vet might use a small camera (rhinoscopy) to check for a stuck object in the nose and remove it if needed under anesthesia.
4. Rhinitis
Cats with rhinitis, or inflamed nasal passages, may experience discomfort like sneezing and nasal discharge. It can linger after an infection or allergy improves.
Rhinitis makes cats sneeze and leads to a stuffy nose. It can affect their breathing and cause watery eyes. Cats may lose appetite because their sense of smell is affected. Managing rhinitis is crucial for cats’ comfort and quality of life.
5. Dental Disease
One often overlooked cause of cat sneezing is dental disease. Dental issues are not uncommon in cats and, if severe, can lead to persistent sneezing.
The roots of a cat’s upper teeth lie very close to their nasal passages, and an infection or inflammation in the tooth root can spread into the nasal cavity, causing irritation and sneezing.
Sick cats may have bad breath, trouble eating, drooling, and may paw at their mouths. Facial swelling can also occur. Severe cases may show nasal discharge, especially if it’s one-sided or bloody, signaling potential tooth or dental problems.
I’ve had cases where treating the dental disease has resolved the sneezing in cats, so if you suspect dental problems are the reason behind your cat’s persistent sneezing, it’s crucial to schedule a visit to the vet. Treatment options may include professional cleaning under anesthesia, including tooth extractions if necessary. Don’t underestimate the impact of dental health on your cat’s overall well-being.
6. Fungal Infection
Fungal infection can be a reason why your cat sneezes. Airborne particles of fungi, such as Aspergillus and Cryptococcus, can enter your cat’s nasal passages and cause symptoms like chronic rhinitis or sinusitis. These fungi are commonly found in the environment and can lead to serious health issues if left untreated.
Along with sneezing, other symptoms include nasal discharge, a stuffy nose, or even difficulty breathing. To determine if your cat is suffering from a fungal infection, diagnostic tests, such as cultures or biopsies, are required.
It’s worth mentioning that diagnosing fungal infections can be challenging. Their symptoms tend to mimic those of viral or bacterial infections. However, once the infection is identified, antifungal medications are usually prescribed as treatment.
In my experience as a veterinarian, cats can successfully recover from fungal infections with the proper treatment and care. So, if you notice any unusual symptoms in your furry friend, don’t hesitate to consult a veterinarian for accurate diagnosis and treatment options.
7. Nasal Cavity Tumors
While it’s not the most common cause of sneezing in cats, nasal cavity tumors shouldn’t be forgotten about. These abnormal growths in a cat’s nose or sinuses can lead to persistent sneezing and other symptoms.
Signs that your cat might have a nasal tumor include:
- Frequent nasal discharge
- Trouble breathing through the nose, leading to open-mouthed breathing
- Decreased appetite due to stuffiness
- Facial swelling, asymmetry, or deformity
As a tumor grows within the nasal passages, it can cause chronic irritation, resulting in frequent bouts of sneezing. This occurs because the enlarging tumor obstructs airflow, leading to discomfort and triggering the sneezing reflex.
Depending on the tumor’s stage, treatment options may differ. Surgical removal followed by radiation therapy can be effective if detected in the early stages. When surgery isn’t an option, palliative care – such as pain management techniques – can help keep your pet comfortable while dealing with their condition. Remember, it’s always crucial to consult with a veterinarian when suspecting any health issues with your cat.
What Should I Do If My Cat Is Sneezing More Than Usual?
While some cases of frequent sneezing require veterinary intervention if the sneezing is mild or your cat isn’t displaying any other symptoms, there are a few home remedies you can try. Here are a few options
- Keep your cat hydrated and ensure they’re eating well
- Use a humidifier to help with dry air that may irritate nasal passages
- Switch litters, as some cats may be sensitive to certain types
However, if sneezing continues for more than a couple of days or comes with additional symptoms, definitely consult a vet. I’ve seen cases where what seemed like harmless sneezing was actually a sign of underlying health issues that needed professional intervention, so never hesitate to reach out to a professional if you’re concerned about your cat’s well-being.
When Does My Sneezing Cat Need To See the Vet?
So when should you be concerned about your sneezing cat? Here are several indicators that could suggest an underlying health issue:
Nasal Discharge
A small amount of clear nasal discharge is usually not a cause for alarm. However, if the discharge thickens or changes color to yellow or green, it’s time to see the vet. Similarly, bleeding from the nose is a definite red flag and needs immediate attention, as it could point to dental disease or even tumors.
Loss of Energy or Appetite
Have you noticed a slump in your cat’s energy levels or a loss of appetite? A persistent refusal to eat, accompanied by sneezing, can be a sign of an underlying health issue.
Sneezing Lasts More Than A Few Days
The occasional sneeze is quite normal for cats, much like us. But if your cat’s sneezing turns into constant fits and occurs for more than a few days, it’s important to consult a veterinarian.
Treatment Options for Sneezing Cats
Treatment options for sneezing cats vary depending on the underlying cause, but in my experience, if caught early, many of the underlying causes for cat sneezing can be treated effectively.
For bacterial or viral infections, antibiotics or antiviral medications may be prescribed to help alleviate symptoms. When allergies or chronic rhinitis are the culprits, nasal decongestants can be administered to reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, allowing cats to breathe more easily.
Sometimes, sneezing could be due to dental issues or something stuck in the nose. In these cases, dental procedures or surgery might be needed to fix the problem.
While treating the symptoms, it’s essential to keep prevention in mind. In case of allergies, maintaining a clean, dust-free environment and avoiding the use of scented diffusers can minimize allergens.
The best prevention for cat colds is vaccination. Vaccines boost your cat’s immune system, targeting highly contagious viruses like feline calicivirus (FCV) and feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV1).
In summary, possible treatment options for sneezing cats include:
- Antibiotics or antiviral medications
- Nasal decongestants
- Surgery (for dental disease or foreign objects)
- Allergen control measures
- Vaccination (as a preventative measure)
When should I worry about my cat sneezing?
You should start to worry about your cat sneezing if it becomes frequent or chronic, or if it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as nasal or eye discharge, coughing, loss of appetite, lethargy, or changes in behavior.
What should I do if my cat is sneezing?
Occasional sneezing is typically not a cause for concern but cases of more frequent sneezing require action. While some mild cases can be managed with home remedies like ensuring good hydration and using a humidifier, persistent sneezing could be a sign of underlying health issues that require professional treatment.
Why does my indoor cat keep sneezing?
Indoor cats sneeze for a variety of reasons. Common causes include exposure to dust, perfumes, cleaning products, smoke, or certain types of cat litter that can irritate their nasal passages. Allergies, viral, bacterial, or fungal infections can also cause sneezing. Dental problems can sometimes lead to sneezing as well.
Why is my cat sneezing so much all of a sudden?
Cats might sneeze frequently all of a sudden due to a variety of reasons. For example, they could be dealing with allergies, viral or bacterial infections, or exposure to irritants like smoke or dust. In some instances, a foreign object stuck in their nose could be the culprit.